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HotAdd open fails when volume spans multiple disks. Cleanup function deletes leftover directories after a crash. Contents About the 5. Check here to start a new keyword search. Who is online Users browsing this forum: VMware Consolidated Backup VCB has a writeup knowledge base article showing the support matrix for storage multipathing. Advanced transport modes available again for ESX 3. vddk 1.2.1

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To resolve this issue, 12.1 the appropriate libexpat version. VMware Consolidated Backup VCB has a knowledge base article link here showing the support matrix for storage multipathing. The following known issues pertain to this VDDK release. The issue was fixed by checking similarity of UUID and getting another if needed.

VDDK 1.2.1 Release Notes

EndAccess sometimes does not reenable relocation after PrepareForAccess. If it does not, the 1.21 is to power cycle the virtual machine.

There is no workaround. HotAdd code refactored into a service thread. In the VDDK 5. We saw in the logs each ms connection loss to the iSCSI target. We even tried all various settings in Veeam 6 without any success. In previous releases, data past the allocation unit boundary would get dropped, and yet the write would be declared OK return success. Restore of virtual machine fails when connected directly to ESXi host.

So the log file did not record all messages, missing those sent to stderr only. You can still set a custom timeout by editing the configuration file. The issue was fixed by checking similarity of UUID and getting another if needed.

vddk 1.2.1

Before you deploy a data mover, consult the tables below to determine which VDDK version it works with and which operating system it can be installed on. This was true of VCB, but as of vSphere 4. When a LUN is offline, read and write operations should return vdddk error. Storage vMotion can wait for the backup to finish, or relocate a different VM.

LoadService can fail the second time when called rapidly in succession, and VMware code enumerates and mounts all disks the first time any disk is opened.

VDDK version number updated. The VDDK version number was changed to 5.

Veeam Community Forums

Even with connection drops we did not experience any problems during production times. In the Inventory left-hand panel, select the host. For information about VDDK including general information about the development kit, how to obtain and install the software, redistributing it, and issues that were identified or resolved in previous releases, see the VDDK 1.

Vcdk is called soon after its interface was released by a previous iteration, the call might fail. When backing up a thick disk, the proxy virtual machine datastore must have at least as much space available as the maximum configured disk size for the virtual machine to be backed up.

vddk 1.2.1

My issues have been resolved. For backup and restore software running through a proxy, this issue causes restores to return success, when nothing is actually written to virtual vddo. In this case, the program should explicitly pass nbd or nbdssl as the preferred transport mode.

VDDK Release Notes

To learn more about the rebranding transition, see http: The following table summarizes platform compatibility of recent VDDK releases.

What are the 4 numbers from bottleneck stats in v6? Veeam support ref ID Configuration: Beginning with Version 7.


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